Intro I’ve been meaning to put up this simple blog post for a while now as I run into this quite often and then find myself searching the web looking for the right URL to resolve it. Since the main purpose of my blog is as a reference tool for myself I figure it’s about […]
Category: Troubleshooting

NSX-T 3.2.x sizing changed?
Has the sizing of the NSX-T managers changed in 3.2.x? A colleague of mine recently completed a dual site NSX-T deployment that required the addition of two vCenters to the single NSX-T manager cluster, in his case the VC’s were running one at each site however the same issue would occur for a single site […]
NSX-T 3.2 Upgrade issue
An upgrade issue has been identified by VMware for NSX-T 3.2 as such they are currently only recommending to use 3.2 in greenfield deployments only. At this time, use NSX-T 3.2.0 for greenfield deployments only. Customers upgrading to NSX-T 3.2.0 may encounter an NSX-T Management Plane upgrade failure during the “run_migration_tool” phase of the […]

NSX-T Edge deployment fails, OVF certificate validation failed.
Intro I thought I’d already written a blog post about this issue but it seems not so here it is :). I’ve had this issue a few times on my lab as the NSX-T managers are always getting powered up and down and as such not all the services are running when I want to […]
NSX-T Local Accounts and Password Expiration
Intro By default NSX-T passwords have a 90 day expiration that applies to the NSX-T managers as well as the Edge nodes.This is something a lot of people are not aware of and often when logging in especially to the Edge nodes you get a password expiry message. Password expired The message alters slightly depending […]

NSX-T 3.0 Upgrade Enabled URPF
Intro So I noticed that after upgrading my NSX-T lab to version 3.0 that the system had re-enabled URPF on my Edge uplinks, since they are running in ECMP mode this is not a desirable configuration. I don’t know why it decided to revert the setting but it did so I’ll need to change it […]

Chrome NET::ERR_CERT_REVOKED Mac OS Catalina
So I recently updated my Mac OS to Catalina. As a result when use Chrome and I tried to login to one of my NSX managers web portal I received the following error. As you can see there is no way to bypass the error and access the website.There is however a couple of fixes […]